Saturday, July 28, 2012


Day after day it is hot and dry.  Everything that should be green is turning brown.  In all of my life, I have never seen it so dry and hot for so long.  Yesterday we had a brief shower - just enough to dampen the porch, but the earth and vegetation is so dry that when I walked through the grass immediately after the 2 minute shower, everything was dry.  It was like no moisture had fallen at all.  I dug up some of my perennials to put them in pots where I can get some water to them to try to save a start of a few of them.  I was shocked at the lack of moisture in the earth, and even after digging down about a foot, the soil was bone dry and cracked.  No wonder the trees are going brown.  Some will die from lack of rain.

The wasps come to the bird bath and drink and drink.  The birds come too and sit with their wings out and their feathers fluffed as they pant through open beaks.  It is pitiful to see them suffering.  I turn on the sprinkler in the evenings to water the garden, and the birds come to sit in the cooling water and preen themselves.  So far the well is holding out, but we are more careful with water now. 

The garden is still producing a few tomatoes, but everything has stopped flowering.  I keep watering hoping that when the 100 plus degree heat finally breaks and the rain returns we might get more vegetables. There are cumulus clouds building in the sky now, but so far no rain in sight.  Pray for rain.

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Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending. ~Author Unknown