Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Reading Blackberry Leaves

Some people say they can see the future in tea leaves.  I can see the future in the blackberry bushes. The blackberries are in full bloom, and some even have tiny green berries showing the promise of big juicy berries in a few weeks.  The berry patch is full of butterflies greedily sucking the blackberry nectar.  Later the birds will try to beat me to the succulent berries.  They don't know that they will have to compete with a grandson who will inhabit the patch when he is here stuffing the big black berries into his mouth.  This time of year, he begins to make his way to the patch on every visit to see if they berries are ready.  There will be enough for the grandson to eat while they are warm and juicy and for the birds and for a sugary cobbler.  Right now the berries are just a promise, but I can see the future in the blossoms.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, berries in the nice. Yes, the berries season nice we have had a few perfect days this spring. Such nice days make for being out of doors...reading some, but other things make my pile of books look like a literary weed patch! Must get to hoeing through them!

    We have a pair of Cooper's hawks that are putting a new twist to the neighborhood here.


Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending. ~Author Unknown