Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The Bird Feeder

As I sit here with a cup of tea, I'm watching the birds at the feeder.  Following the rush of Christmas, I'm enjoying watching the birds and looking at the winter woods.  Today there are at least 20 cardinals at the feeder.  I've seen purple finches, chickadees, gold finches, titmouse, downy woodpeckers, and yellow bellied sapsuckers/woodpeckers, blue jays and a few sparrows.  Earlier I heard the scream of a hawk.  I think he might have been eyeing the gathering of song birds at the feeder and considering them for his lunch!

One of the most disconcerting things I've seen at the feeder happened in just such a setting.  I was watching the birds enjoy their seeds when a dark shadow passed over the feeder.  Most of the birds scattered, but one or two stayed.  Suddenly, a small hawk, probably a sharp-shinned hawk- came screaming in from the west and without missing a beat of his wings he snatched a cardinal right off the bird feeder.  The poor cardinal screamed and struggled, but it was the last time he would cry out.  The last I saw of him was his struggling in the hawks talons as the hawk flapped up over the trees and headed into the woods.

But today is bright and sunny, and so far the birds have been unmolested.  I hope the hawk found a mouse or snake to eat today and will leave the birds alone!

If you want to attact birds to your yard, try this recipe for bird seed cakes http://www.pallensmith.com/articles/bird-seed-cakes

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